Chatham High School
100 Cavalier Circle
Chatham, Virginia 24531
Phone (434) 432-8305 Fax (434) 432-8351

Download/View CHS Statement of Beliefs
Chatham High School is recognized as a "high-performing" school and designated as a "Model School" by the International Center for Leadership in Education for working to meet the needs of all students. Specifically, Chatham High School was chosen because of its high performance on State assessments, success with State accreditation, meeting Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) targets over the last two years, and other performance factors. Congratulations to the faculty, staff, students, parents and administration on attaining this noteworthy accomplishment.
Mission Statement
Chatham High School serves our community and guides our students by maintaining a safe and positive learning environment, providing leadership, and instituting programs and activities which promote the students' personal, academic, and career successes.
Guiding Principles
In order to achieve our mission, teachers, students, and parents will promote collaboration; develop positive character traits; instill a life-ling love of learning; teach practical knowledge, oral and written communication techniques, and critical thinking skills; provide a safe, academically challenging educational environment; recognize individual differences; maintain standards of equity; and ensure maximum learning opportunities.
School Report Card
Report cards for schools, school visions, and the commonwealth provide information about student achievement, accountability ratings, attendance, program completion, school safety, teacher quality, and other topics.